Proverbial Sayings of Samoan Language

Most proverb came from actual occasion or experience, and therefore considered in metaphorical meaning than literal meaning. Those expressions are usually used to be formal in speaking, or to emphasize meanings.

There are proverbial expressions in Samoan langauge too. In Samoan, proverbial expressions are called muagagana, literally means first(graceful) language(expression). Those are usually used by orators, who speaks for people and chief. Samoan proverbial expressions are originated from old days of Samoan life, and traditional tales. That is, not just looking at proverbs, you can also take a glance at Samoan traditional cultures from voyaging through seas to fishing, food life, and festivals.

The Journal of the Polynesian Society has introduced and explained 560 expressions of Samoan proverbs in three issues, starting from Issue 58, published in 1949. Old issues from JPS are archived in their website, so you can read them in the links below. I'm not sure how many expressions listed in these documents are used in present Samoa, but it'll be useful when you're self-studying Samoan language.


Classification in Document

The expressions are sorted by topics below.

  1. Fishing - 1~87, Included in #1
  2. Hunting - 88~132, Included in #1
  3. Manual Work Inside and Out of the House - 133~197, Included in #1
  4. Food and It's Preparation - 198~231, Included in #2
  5. Games, Dances and Feasts - 232~270, Included in #2
  6. Land and Sea Travel - 271~317, Included in #2
  7. Miscellaneous (expressions mostly originated from tales) - 318~491, Included in #3
  8. Supplement - 492~560, Included in #4~#5

Also, almost each expressions are indexed with its meanings. Search in your browser with Ctrl + G to find any expression with specific sense in document.

  • 'Upu fa'aaloalo - Respectful expression
  • 'Upu fa'amaulalo - Courteous expression in form of self-abasement
  • 'Upu vivi'i - Complimentary expression
  • 'Upu fiafia - Expression of rejoicing
  • 'Upu alofa - Sympathetic, love expression
  • 'Upu fa'anoanoa - Remorseful expression
  • 'Upu fa'aulaula - Ridicules
  • 'Upu faifai - Offensive expression
  • 'Upu fa'aalualu - Encouraging expression
  • 'Upu fa'amafanafana - Consolatory expression
  • 'Upu taofiofi - Exhorting expression
  • 'Upu fa'aafiti - Refusal expression

Using with Samoan Dictionary(G.B. Milner)

Currently most trusted Samoan Dictionary(Samoan Dictionary - G.B. Milner, 1997 - ISBN 9780908597123) is referencing those proverbial expression document. Therefore, some headwords includes related proverbs as an example sentence.

Expression No.505 as an example sentence of pule at Samoan Dictionary(G.B. Milner).

Expression No.505 in 'Proverbial expressions of the Samoans'(#5), archived at JPS.

There are some differences at orthography(dictionary is the right one), but it provides literal and liberal meanings of each expressions so they might be helpful when you're studing Samoan language by yourself.